Component : AVDatePick shareware version Version : 1.01 last updated Feb-4-2001 Platform : D3, D4, D5 Sources : Witout sources Author : Alcides Valega E-mail : WWW : Description ----------- AVDatePick is a component for date edition. This allow edit dates or pick them from a drop down calendar. Allow enter dates in modes masked and not. Dates can be entered in free format using separators '/', '-' or '.'. The years autocompletion feature complete the year when this is entered whith less than 4 digits. The Language property change the hint and message texts and the date formats between M/d/yyyy and d/M/yyyy. The ButonKey property define the key for popup the calendar (default F4). Into the calendar Ctrl-Down or Ctrl-Right move to next month, Ctrl-Up or Ctrl-Right move to previous month, Altl-Down or Alt-Right move to next year, Alt-Up or Alt-Left move to previous year, Enter exit calendar and accept selected date, Esc exit calendar and refuse selected date. The Skin property allow place a background image, give a stylish fashion to the drop down calendar, as well this have properties for change the button glyph, the font of labels, the color of calendar and transparent property of background bitmap (skin). I include a exe demo for checking them. REGISTRATION ------------ The pricing for AVDatePicker Component is as follows: Registered Version (without source-code) $5.00 Registered Version (with source-code) $20.00 What Do I Get? Registered users will receive: The latest compiled/source-code version of the AVDatePicker component via Internet E-mail. Elimination of the UNREGISTERED word in the dropdown calendar. The right to use the component, royalty free, in any application.