HTML Template componentallows to create HTML, XML, and text reports in Delphi and C++ Builder application |
IntroductionThis is a component for Delphi and C++ Builder.
Need to create HTML, XML or text reports ?! Use this !
It works like well known ASP, JSP and PHP technologies and allows to produce HTML (XML, text) page from the template.
However it works at the application side without Web server engine and can access application's objects and data.
To design report view it is possible to use your favorite editor. For example, MS FrontPage, MS Word, Netscape Composer, Notepad and others.
Template page syntaxSuppose you need to create some kind of report in your application. HTML formatted, XML, or plain text formatted report. Actually it can be any "open text format", like RTF, PDF, which structure you know. And you would like to have one file with all information about the report. Including styles, graphical design, and logic.
You can use this component to do it. Although the name of the component is "HTML Template", the generated report can be in any text format. We use this name because HTML is generally user for reporting in applications.
The idea of template page itself is similar to ASP, JSP, PHP pages. It is a text with pieces of script between special tags. For preparing report the component outputs the text as is and interpret script code and expressions. For instance, you have the following report template:
<html> <body> <template = "Hello " + "world!" > </body> </html>You see simple expression "Hello " + "world!" here. We will have the following execution result:
Hello world!
</html>Template page script may contain absolutely all algorithms and routings which you need to produce result report. See below the template page syntax. Scripts may, for example, iterate through dataset, move to any dataset position, make SQL query and so on. You can use VBScript, JScript, or any other supported by MS ActiveX Scripting.
The component allows to create reports of any complexity: simple dataset, master / detail, filtered, with counting any functions on columns, with additional UI form for report parameters. You can find examples in the distribution kit.
How it works. The report execution process contains two steps.
- Creation a script from template page. Script is a program on the used scripting language.
- Execution of this script program.
For instance we have the following template page:
set dataset = this.Query1
do while not dataset.EOF
<tr><td> <template = dataset.FieldValues("name") /> </td></tr>
After first step we will have a script program like this:
set dataset = this.Query1
do while not dataset.EOF
out.write_str( dataset.FieldValues("name"))
...You can see that the script program is a template page turned "inside out". Text pieces from template page have hexadecimal representation in script. We did it as the best way to represent in the script program all textual data like like breaks, spaces, quotas, etc.
After execution of this script program we will receive the end report:
<tr><td> First name </td></tr>
<tr><td> Second name </td></tr>
<tr><td> Third name </td></tr>
Thus from technical point of view the report template is a program on the scripting language. This component prepares such program from the report template and executes it by using the ActiveX Shell technology. Script program uses objects and data from your application. You can use this and self variables inside report to access all components on the form (or DataModule) and published properties of the form.
Report template + Script engine:
ActiveX Shell technology+ Objects and data
of the application= Result report We consider the report creation process below step by step.
There are the following kinds of template code: script code fragments, expressions, page instructions, simple text pieces.
Description | Syntax | Example | In script |
Contain a code fragment valid in the scripting language. Including any declaration and expressions. | <template code fragment /> | <template
set dataset = this.Query1 while not dataset.EOF /> |
set dataset = this.Query1
while not dataset.EOF |
Contain an expression code fragment valid in the scripting language. Only one expression is allowed. | <template = expression /> | <template =
dataset.FieldValues("name") /> |
out.write_str(dataset.FieldValues("name")) |
Contain one page instruction. It works like compiler directives.
Supported instructions:
<template @ instruction /> | <template @
include page = "file://page_header.html" /> <template @
(script from included page)
(nothing) |
Any other text and tags. | text <tag > text text ... | This is a text that will be in end report as is. It has hexadecimal representation in the script program. All characters are represented in the script as two hexadecimal digits. | out.write_hex("3C7461626C653E0D0A") |
Syntax notes
You need only to execute that query and get BLOB field text. See below in detail. Also see OnOpenURL example.
How to install
Available compiled versions for:Source code is compatible with Delphi 3 or above, C++ Builder 3 or above.
- C++ Builder 3
- C++ Builder 4
- C++ Builder 5
- Delphi 3.02 (patched)
- Delphi 4
- Delphi 5
- Delphi 6
Latest version of the component is always available from the components download page.
1. Unzip archive with subdirectories. 2. Directory CB3\ is for CBuilder 3 users.
Directory CB4\ is for CBuilder 4 users.
Directory CB5\ is for CBuilder 5 users.
Directory D3\ is for Delphi 3 users.
Directory D4\ is for Delphi 4 users.
Directory D5\ is for Delphi 5 users.
Directory D6\ is for Delphi 6 users.Install html_template_reg.pas from Menu > Component > Install Component.
By default HTML_Template will be installed to "Apelseen" components page.
3. Just drop HTML_Template component to the form at Designer when need it. Examples are located in the corresponding directories too.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
URL | String | file://template.html | URL of the report template source file. You can extend list of supported URL types by writing OnOpenURL event handler. See example. |
OpenTag | String | <template | Template code open tag. |
CloseTag | String | /> | Template code close tag. |
Write_Hex | String | out.write_hex("%s") | Format for hexadecimal string output function. By default compatible with VBScript syntax. |
Write_Str | String | out.write_str(%s) | Format for expression result output function. By default compatible with VBScript syntax. |
Language | String | VBScript | You can set this property also by @page language= instruction in the report template page. The second way is flexible when there are report templates with different scripting languages. |
Ready | Boolean | False | Readonly property. It is True when report is ready. |
ReportText | String | Readonly property. It is the ready report text as single string when report is ready. |
Name | Description |
Create | constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent);
This is a constructor. |
Execute | function Execute : Boolean;
It executes the report with template page given as URL property. It returns True in case of successful report execution. Use ReportText property to access result report. |
ExecuteFromURL | function ExecuteFromURL (URL : AnsiString)
: Boolean;
It executes the report with template page given as URL parameter. It returns True in case of successful report execution. Use ReportText property to access result report. |
ExecuteFromText | function ExecuteFromText (text : AnsiString)
: Boolean;
It executes the report with template page given as text parameter. It returns True in case of successful report execution. Use ReportText property to access result report. |
DefaultOpenURL | procedure DefaultOpenURL(URL : AnsiString; var PageText
: AnsiString);
This is default URL open procedure. It returns document from URL as String in PageText variable. OnOpenURL event handler may replace this default routine. This default routine supports only "file://" URLs. |
DoOpenURLError | procedure DoOpenURLError(URL : AnsiString; ErrorMessage
: AnsiString);
You should call this function in OnOpenURL event handler f there was any error. This function only generates OnOpenURLError even. |
Name | Description |
OnOpenURL | procedure (Sender : TObject; URL : AnsiString; var PageText
: AnsiString) of object;
Use it to define your own URL types. It must return document's text from URL as PageText variable. You may call DefaultOpenURL method in the implementation. See an example below. |
OnOpenURLError | procedure (Sender : TObject; URL : AnsiString; ErrorMessage
: AnsiString) of object;
It occurs when DefaultOpenURL cannot load template page or when you call DoOpenURLError method. You may provide here a dialog box or report the error by other way. |
OnExecuteError | procedure (Sender : TObject; ErrorMessage: String);
It occurs when any error happens, excepting a report loading error (use OnOpenURLError to handle). |
How to create your report - step by step
Step 1.
Design HTML (XML, plain text, ...) page by using your favorite editor like MS FrontPage, MS Word, Notepad, Netscape Composer, etc. If you are going to create report from some datasets then add table columns and so on. Add the company logo, report name and others features.
For example, you have the following HTML for the report:
<title>Report example 1</title>
<h3>Company: </h3><table BORDER WIDTH="90%" >
<!-- this is table's header -->
<td><b>Sale date</b></td>
<td><b>Items total</b></td>
<td><b>Amount paid</b></td>
</tr><!-- this is table's first row -->
<b>AmountPaid total: </b></body>
Step 2.
Add template tags to the template page. VBScript code fragments and expressions are added in this example. You can use all published properties of the form (or DataModule) and all components on the form, plus some functions of those objects. See features of ActiveX Shell technology in detail where we consider all possibilities of access VCL objects from ActiveX model. The this or self keyword is reference to the form in the scripts. Use all scripting language features in the template page script. Like the flow control, iteration, and all others. VBScript is used in this example:
<title>Report example 1</title>
<h3>Company: <template= this.Query1.FieldValues("Company") /></h3><table BORDER WIDTH="90%" >
<!-- this is table's header -->
<td><b>Sale date</b></td>
<td><b>Items total</b></td>
<td><b>Amount paid</b></td>
<!-- this is table's first row -->
AmountPaid_sum = 0
Set dataset = this.Query2
do while not dataset.EOF
<td><template = dataset.FieldValues("SaleDate") /></td>
<td><template = dataset.FieldValues("ItemsTotal") /></td>
<td><template = dataset.FieldValues("AmountPaid") /></td>
AmountPaid_sum = AmountPaid_sum + dataset.FieldValues("AmountPaid")
<b>AmountPaid total: <template= AmountPaid_sum /></b>
Step 3.
Save the report template to the file or as a BLOB (TEXT, VARCHAR, ...) field in the database. Set the corresponding URL property in the HTML Template component by Object Inspector.
Step 4.
Write some event handlers code and then call Execute method of the component. Use ReportText property to receive the ready report text. Congratulation!
See also example application and report templates from the distribution kit.
OnOpenURL event handler example
MS ActiveX ScriptingThis is example implementation for URLs like "database://...".
procedure Form1.HTML_Template1OpenURL(Sender : TObject; URL : AnsiString; var PageText : AnsiString);
begin// checking that URL starts with 'database://'
if ( copy(URL, 1, length('database://')) = 'database://' ) then beginwith TQuery.Create(nil) do begin
// the rest part of the URL is SQL
SQL.Add( copy(URL, length('database://') + 1, length(URL)) );
if FieldCount > 0 then PageText := Fields[0].AsString;
PageText := '';
else begin
// using default URL open routine
(Sender as THTML_Template).DefaultOpenURL(URL, PageText);
Please see ActiveX Shell technology page for detail about MS ActiveX Scripting in Delphi / C++ Builder application.
Professional version's advantages
All page instructions like @ include page and other @ instructions work only in professional version.How to buy and download the source code
For commercial purposes and if you are interested in sources you have to buy the professional version.Contact information
Software will available at once after the registration from our secure web site.
We provide also ActiveX Shell technology source code with the professional version.
HTML Template component
(professional version, source code, compatible with D3 and above, CB3 and above)Personal license,
for one developer50 $ Buy it Company license,
for any number of developers within one company90 $ Buy it
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