TObjGrapheur for Delphi 2.0 - Readme for the VCL component. This VCl can draw scientifics charts (XY, Polar, Smith). Pre-release version 0.97b No copyrights. This is freeware. --- Description of TObjGrapheur files --- Grapheur.txt This File FrHelp/Grapheur.hlp French help file for TObjGrapheur FrHelp/Grapheur.kwf French Keyword file UsHelp/Grapheur.hlp English help file for TObjGrapheur UsHelp/Grapheur.kwf English Keyword file Grapheur.dcu TObjGrapheur compiled unit Grapheur.dcr Icon file util1.dcu, util2.dcu, fen1.dcu, fen2.dcu, fen3.dcu Utilities units fen1.dfm, fen2.dfm, fen3.dfm Form files --- Description of Demonstration files --- GrSample.exe Exe file GrSample.dpr Project file GrSample.res Ressource file Sample.pas, Sample.dcu Demonstration unit Sample.dfm Form file --- Installation of the Help file --- - Put grapheur.hlp in delphi\bin directory. - Put grapheur.kwf in delphi\help directory. - Execute helpinst.exe - Open delphi.hqx in delphi\bin - Add grapheur.kwf - Save and close Then, it's installed. --- What's news in version 0.97b --- - Problem with missing file is solved - Smith Chart has no fix scale. - A CopyToClipBoard in the PopupMenu. - Scale Dialog Boxs in the object browser. - English Help File. --- Version 0.96 --- - You can move the markers directly with the mouse. --- Version 0.95 --- - It's the first release. Thanks to N. Deudon for its first work. --- Know bug --- - when you put a popupmenu in the form, the popupmenu of TObjGrapheur doesn't appire. (it's Ok with Delphi32 !?!) - Print does not work Author: L. Rullier Email: p.s. If you have suggestions, feel free to send me an E-mail message.