The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Bibliography on cryptography and security

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Number of references:1686Last update:May 25, 2007
Number of online publications:119Supported:not
Most recent reference:2001

Information on the Bibliography

Ronald L. Rivest <rivest @ theory . lcs . mit . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Be Hubbard <be @ theory . lcs . mit . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
545 Technology Square Room
Cambridge MA 02139

This bibliography contains COMPLETE listings for: CRYPTO '81–'94, EUROCRYPT '84, AUSCRYPT'90, Burg Feuerstein '82, and PARTIAL lists for many other conferences.
We are in the process of merging into this bibliography the bibliography from "Cryptography: Theory and Practice" by Doug Stinson (CRC Press, 1995). An excellent book! (Thanks, Doug)
Author Comments:
This bibliography is maintained by Be Hubbard ([email protected])

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

inproceedings(931), article(366), book(108), techreport(79), manual(76), misc(48), incollection(29), unpublished(25), phdthesis(10), inbook(8), mastersthesis(6)
title(1684), year(1677), author(1668), pages(1292), publisher(986), booktitle(957), editor(795), note(705), volume(452), journal(366), month(358), address(304), number(292), oldtag(171), institution(84), series(73), organization(64), newtag(28), comment(20), howpublished(19), school(16), mon(7), edition(6), page(5), chapter(3), version(3), addr(1), editors(1), newwtag(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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