The Collection of
Computer Science Bibliographies

Mobile Computing Bibliography

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Number of references:163Last update:August 26, 1997
Number of online publications:21Supported:no
Most recent reference:1995 Info:Converted from refer format

Information on the Bibliography

Nigel Davies <nigel @ comp . lancs . ac . uk> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
The Mobile Open Systems Technology (MOST) Project
Computing Department
Lancaster University
Author Comments:
This bibliography is maintained by the MOST project at Lancaster University. You are encouraged to send updates or omissions to the following address:

[email protected]

or by post to

Nigel Davies
Computing Department,
SECAMS,\Lancaster University,\Lancaster, LA1 4YR,

Copies of this bibliography can be obtained in Postscript and Refer formats via anonymous ftp from (
The master version of this bibliography is held as an Endnote database. If you would like a copy of this database or a version of this bibliography in Pro-Cite format please mail either myself, Nigel Davies, [email protected] or the MOST project account, [email protected].

Browsing the bibliography

Bibliographic Statistics

inproceedings(93), techreport(34), article(33), book(1), incollection(1), misc(1)
author(163), title(163), year(163), keywords(153), booktitle(95), address(90), pages(58), publisher(43), journal(33), volume(23), editor(9), note(1), number(1)
Distribution of publication dates:
Distribution of publication dates

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