Iconography 1.0b0 Copyright 1996 Eric Kidd <eric.kidd@pobox.com> http://www.pobox.com/~emk/sw/be/ ftp://www.dartmouth.edu/people/emk/ftp/be/ SYNOPSIS Iconography is a screen-saver plugin for Hiroshi Lockheimer's program "saver". It magnifies various BeOS icons and displays them on the screen. REQUIREMENTS BeOS DR8.2 saver (available from <http://www.twics.com/~hiropee/saver.html>) VERSION HISTORY 1.0b0 Initial release SOURCES Source code is included with the package. You'll also need my libraries, which are generally available from my web site and FTP directories. Feel free to carve up this screen saver to write your own, but beware of any section of the code marked with "XXX". BUGS * Displays icons on white background (poor screen saver) * Incomplete error recovery (but not too bad) * Never called by Random for some unkown reason * Probably many others