mkisofs - create a iso9660 filesystem with optional Rock Ridge

      mkisofs [ -a ] [ -b boot_image ] [ -c boot_catalog ] [ -A
      application_id ] [ -f ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -i include-list ] [ -l ] [ -L ]
      [ -L ] [ -p preparer ] [ -P publisher ] [ -r ] [ -R ] [ -T ] [ -v ] [
      -V ] [ -V volid ] [ -x path ] [ -z ] [ -m glob ] -o filename path

      mkisofs is effectively a pre-mastering program to generate the iso9660
      filesystem - it takes a snapshot of a given directory tree, and
      generates a binary image which will correspond to an iso9660
      filesystem when written to a block device.

      mkisofs is also capable of generating the System Use Sharing Protocol
      records specified by the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol.  This is
      used to further describe the files in the iso9660 filesystem to a unix
      host, and provides information such as longer filenames, uid/gid,
      posix permissions, and block and character devices.

      Each file written to the iso9660 filesystem must have a filename in
      the 8.3 format (8 characters, period, 3 characters, all upper case),
      even if Rock Ridge is in use.  This filename is used on systems that
      are not able to make use of the Rock Ridge extensions (such as MS-
      DOS), and each filename in each directory must be different from the
      other filenames in the same directory.  mkisofs generally tries to
      form correct names by forcing the unix filename to upper case and
      truncating as required, but often times this yields unsatisfactory
      results when there are cases where the truncated names are not all
      unique.  mkisofs assigns weightings to each filename, and if two names
      that are otherwise the same are found the name with the lower priority
      is renamed to have a 3 digit number as an extension (where the number
      is guaranteed to be unique).  An example of this would be the files and - the file would be written as
      FOO.000;1 and the file would be written as FOO.BAR;1

      Note that mkisofs is not designed to communicate with the writer
      directly.  Most writers have proprietary command sets which vary from
      one manufacturer to another, and you need a specialized tool to
      actually burn the disk.  The cdwrite utility is one such tool that
      runs under Linux and performs this task.  The latest version of
      cdwrite is capable of communicating with Phillips/IMS/Kodak, HP and
      Yamaha drives.  Most writers come with some version of DOS software
      that allows a direct image copy of an iso9660 image to the writer.
      The current version of cdwrite is available from

      Also you should know that most cd writers are very particular about
      timing.  Once you start to burn a disc, you cannot let their buffer
      empty before you are done, or you will end up with a corrupt disc.
      Thus it is critical that you be able to maintain an uninterrupted data
      stream to the writer for the entire time that the disc is being

      path is the path of the directory tree to be copied into the iso9660

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      -a   Include all files on the iso9660 filesystem.  Normally files that
           contain the characters '~' or '#' will not be included (these are
           typically backup files for editors under unix).

      -A application_id
           Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume
           header.  This should describe the application that will be on the
           disc.  There is space on the disc for 128 characters of
           information.  This parameter can also be set in the file
           .mkisofsrc with APPI=id.  If specified in both places, the
           command line version is used.

      -b boot_image
           Specifies the path and filename of the boot image to be used when
           making an "El Torito" bootable CD. The pathname must be relative
           to the source path specified to mkisofs. This option is required
           to make a bootable CD.  The boot image must be exactly the size
           of either a 1.2, 1.44, or a 2.88 meg floppy, and mkisofs will use
           this size when creating the output iso9660 filesystem. It is
           assumed that the first 512 byte sector should be read from the
           boot image (it is essentially emulating a normal floppy drive).
           This will work, for example, if the boot image is a LILO based
           boot floppy.

      -c boot_catalog
           Specifies the path and filename of the boot catalog to be used
           when making an "El Torito" bootable CD. The pathname must be
           relative to the source path specified to mkisofs. This option is
           required to make a bootable CD.  This file will be created by
           mkisofs in the source filesystem, so be sure the specified
           filename does not conflict with an existing file, as it will be
           quietly overwritten! Usually a name like "boot.catalog" is

      -d   Omit trailing period from files that do not have a period.  This
           violates the ISO9660 standard, but it happens to work on many
           systems.  Use with caution.

      -D   Do not use deep directory relocation, and instead just pack them
           in the way we see them.  This violates the ISO9660 standard, but
           it works on many systems.  Use with caution.

      -f   Follow symbolic links when generating the filesystem.  When this
           option is not in use, symbolic links will be entered using Rock
           Ridge if enabled, otherwise the file will be ignored.

      -i include-list
           Use the specified file as a list of files to add to the directory

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           tree.  This is useful for quickly repacking a CD while adding
           files to it.  The format of this file is path1/file=path2 where
           path1 is the directory in the ISO9660 file system where file
           should appear and path2 is the where to find the file.  NOTE:
           This option doesn't work well, and needs to be compltely redone
           so that integration with the rest of mkisofs is handled in a
           cleaner fashion.

      -l   Allow full 32 character filenames.  Normally the ISO9660 filename
           will be in an 8.3 format which is compatible with MS-DOS, even
           though the ISO9660 standard allows filenames of up to 32
           characters.  If you use this option, the disc may be difficult to
           use on a MS-DOS system, but this comes in handy on some other
           systems (such as the Amiga).  Use with caution.

      -L   Allow filenames to begin with a period.  Usually, a leading dot
           is replaced with an underscore in order to maintain MS-DOS

      -m glob
           Exclude glob from being written to CDROM.  glob is a shell wild-
           card-style pattern that must match part of the filename (not the
           path as with option -x).  Technically glob is matched against the
           d->d_name part of the directory entry.  Multiple globs may be
           excluded (up to 1000).  Example:

           mkisofs -o rom -m '*.o' -m core -m foobar

           would exclude all files ending in ".o", called "core" or "foobar"
           to be copied to CDROM. Note that if you had a directory called
           "foobar" it too (and of course all its descendants) would be

      -M path
           Specifies path to existing iso9660 image to be merged.  The
           output of mkisofs will be a new session which should get written
           to the end of the image specified in -M.  Typically this requires
           multi-session capability for the recorder and cdrom drive that
           you are attempting to write this image to.  Support for this is
           not yet 100% complete, because some handshaking is required
           between mkisofs and cdwrite in order to determine the next
           writable address on the cdrom.

      -N   Omit version numbers from ISO9660 file names.  This may violate
           the ISO9660 standard, but no one really uses the version numbers
           anyway.  Use with caution.

      -o filename
           is the name of the file to which the iso9660 filesystem image
           should be written.  This can be a disk file, a tape drive, or it
           can correspond directly to the device name of the optical disc

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           writer.  If not specified, stdout is used.  Note that the output
           can also be a block special device for a regular disk drive, in
           which case the disk partition can be mounted and examined to
           ensure that the premastering was done correctly.

      -P publisher_id
           Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume
           header.  This should describe the publisher of the CDROM, usually
           with a mailing address and phone number.  There is space on the
           disc for 128 characters of information.  This parameter can also
           be set in the file .mkisofsrc with PUBL=.  If specified in both
           places, the command line version is used.

      -p preparer_id
           Specifies a text string that will be written into the volume
           header.  This should describe the preparer of the CDROM, usually
           with a mailing address and phone number.  There is space on the
           disc for 128 characters of information.  This parameter can also
           be set in the file .mkisofsrc with PREP=.  If specified in both
           places, the command line version is used.

      -R   Generate SUSP and RR records using the Rock Ridge protocol to
           further describe the files on the iso9660 filesystem.

      -r   This is like the -R option, but file ownership and modes are set
           to more useful values.  The uid and gid are set to zero, because
           they are usually only useful on the author's system, and not
           useful to the client.  All the file read bits are set true, so
           that files and directories are globally readable on the client.
           If any execute bit is set for a file, set all of the execute
           bits, so that executables are globally executable on the client.
           If any search bit is set for a directory, set all of the search
           bits, so that directories are globally searchable on the client.
           All write bits are cleared, because the CD-Rom will be mounted
           read-only in any case.  If any of the special mode bits are set,
           clear them, because file locks are not useful on a read-only file
           system, and set-id bits are not desirable for uid 0 or gid 0.

      -T   Generate a file TRANS.TBL in each directory on the CDROM, which
           can be used on non-Rock Ridge capable systems to help establish
           the correct file names.  There is also information present in the
           file that indicates the major and minor numbers for block and
           character devices, and each symlink has the name of the link file

      -V volid
           Specifies the volume ID to be written into the master block.
           This parameter can also be set in the file .mkisofsrc with
           VOLI=id.  If specified in both places, the command line version
           is used.

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      -v   Verbose execution.

      -x path
           Exclude path from being written to CDROM.  path must be the
           complete pathname that results from concatenating the pathname
           given as command line argument and the path relative to this
           directory.  Multiple paths may be excluded (up to 1000).

           mkisofs -o cd -x /local/dir1 -x /local/dir2 /local

      -z   Generate special SUSP records for transparently compressed files.
           This is only of use and interest for hosts that support
           transparent decompression.  This is an experimental feature, and
           no hosts yet support this, but there are ALPHA patches for Linux
           that can make use of this feature.

      mkisofs looks for the .mkisofsrc file, first in the current working
      directory, then in the user's home directory, and then in the
      directory in which the mkisofs binary is stored.  This file is assumed
      to contain a series of lines of the form "TAG=value", and in this way
      you can specify certain options.  The case of the tag is not
      significant.  Some fields in the volume header are not settable on the
      command line, but can be altered through this facility.  Comments may
      be placed in this file, using lines which start with a hash (#)

      APPI The application identifier should describe the application that
           will be on the disc.  There is space on the disc for 128
           characters of information.  May be overridden using the -A
           command line option.

      COPY The copyright information, often the name of a file on the disc
           containing the copyright notice.  There is space in the disc for
           37 characters of information.

      ABST The abstract information, often the name of a file on the disc
           containing an abstract.  There is space in the disc for 37
           characters of information.

      BIBL The bibliographic information, often the name of a file on the
           disc containing a bibliography.  There is space in the disc for
           37 characters of information.

      PREP This should describe the preparer of the CDROM, usually with a
           mailing address and phone number.  There is space on the disc for
           128 characters of information.  May be overridden using the -p
           command line option.

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      PUBL This should describe the publisher of the CDROM, usually with a
           mailing address and phone number.  There is space on the disc for
           128 characters of information.  May be overridden using the -P
           command line option.

      SYSI The System Identifier.  There is space on the disc for 32
           characters of information.

      VOLI The Volume Identifier.  There is space on the disc for 32
           characters of information.  May be overridden using the -V
           command line option.

      VOLS The Volume Set Name.  There is space on the disc for 278
           characters of information.

      mkisofs can also be configured at compile time with defaults for many
      of these fields.  See the file defaults.h.

      mkisofs is not based on the standard mk*fs tools for unix, because we
      must generate a complete  copy of an existing filesystem on a disk in
      the  iso9660 filesystem.  The name mkisofs is probably a bit of a
      misnomer, since it not only creates the filesystem, but it also
      populates it as well.

      Eric Youngdale &lt;<A></A>&gt; or &lt;<A></A>&gt; wrote
      both the Linux isofs9660 filesystem and the mkisofs utility, and is
      currently maintaining them.  The copyright for the mkisofs utility is
      held by Yggdrasil Computing, Incorporated.

      Any files that have hard links to files not in the tree being copied
      to the iso9660 filessytem will have an incorrect file reference count.

      There may be some other ones.  Please, report them to the author.

      Allow specification of multiple paths on the command line to be
      included in iso9660 filesystem.  Can be tricky - directory entries in
      the root directory need to be properly sorted.

      mkisofs is available for anonymous ftp from in
      /pub/linux/packages/mkisofs and many other mirror sites.