Author:		Andreas Huber (
Release:		PR (September, 13th, 1997)
Compatibility:	DR9 PR
Location:		contrib/add-ons/kernel/file_systems
Description:		nfs v2 filesystem plugin and nfs v2 server application
Notes:		the client plugin has been improved by allowing arbitrary uid/gid mounts

Run the Installer to install the client or the server.

To use the client do the following

	- create a mountpoint (mkdir /test)
	- mount_nfs /test uid gid

from the shell

Unlike the previous version the server does not have to declare the export "insecure"
for the client to work with it.

A typical entry in the /etc/exports file of a unix-server might look like


The server should be easy enough to use, if you turn on debugging output it will
be sent to stdout, thus you should launch BeNFSServer from the shell.
Just be sure to choose the correct interface via the popup-menu.

Enjoy and please keep me informed of any occurring problems,

	Andreas	(