How many of you tried to take advantage of Black Belt Systems
"Power Up" offer for Image Master?  Has Black Belt Systems put
you off for months with a "ready in a week or so" excuse for them
not sending Image Master?  Are you someone like me who sent your
money to Black Belt Systems in good faith, only to have your
check promptly cashed, followed by excuses for non-shipment while
Black Belt Systems spent your money?  I, like many others who
wanted to "Power Up" with Image Master, called Black Belt Systems
on occasion to inquire as to why I hadn't received it.  A woman
,who I talked to on occasion, politely informed me that the new
release was delayed and they hoped it would be released in
another week.  After two months of being told the same thing, I
called Black Belt Systems again.  I explained that I had ordered
Image Master early in January and I was concerned that Black Belt
Systems had cashed my check without sending me Image Master.  I
told her that it was a violation of Federal Law.  I received the
same story about hoping Image Master would be finished in a week.
The same story I had heard for two months.  In the "Power Up"
offer there was no mention of two month delays in shipping.  I
asked to speak to someone in charge and was told that everyone
would be out to lunch for an hour and a half.  I asked if someone
could call me back later.  While I was out, someone, who never
bothered to identify himself, called from Black Belt Systems
and left a message with my secretary.  He claimed that I was
"rude to his girls" and said "not to be mean to them."  He gave
me three options; 1. Accept the old version of 9.23. 2. Wait for
the release of version 9.24. Or, 3. get my money back (not with
two months interest of course).  I told him that I wanted to
discuss the issue of "being rude to his girls" in addition to
Black Belt Systems cashing my check with out sending me anything.
He demanded an answer about the Image Master order and told me
that discussing my "rudeness" was not worth the telephone call.
I informed him to send my money back after which he hung up on
me.  I called Black Belt Systems back and informed them that
because of their rudeness I was informing the Federal Trade
Commission as to their business practices.  He told me to "have
fun."  I am very happy to be saved the trouble of owning a Black
Belt Systems product.  With as rude and unprofessional the
personnel of Black Belt Systems have shown themselves to be over
problems with an order, I can imagine how their customer support
would handle complaints about bugs in Image Master.  I am a very
happy user of ADPro and Morph Plus from A.S.D.G.  Both programs
have worked flawlessly and A.S.D.G.'s customer support has been
pleasant and helpful.  I even recently received a free Morph Plus
upgrade.  What a great company!  I was curious how Image Master
measured up to ADPro and Morph Plus, but now I am thankful I
don't have to suffer any additional abuse from Black Belt 
Systems!  If you are having similar problems with Black Belt
Systems, here are two numbers that might help.  Federal Trade
Commission, Consumer Protection Division, (202) 326-2976.  Ask
about the Mail Order Rule. Montana States Attorney's Office,
Consumer Affairs Division, (406)444-4311 or 444-4312. Joe Laleman