A1200 Clock Port Info

Version 1.2    4th December  2000


On the A1200, there is an area of the motherboard that may have between 20 & 80 pins on it. This is the ubiquitous 'Clock Port.' It is a popular interface for add on I/O card as it connects directly to the A1200's DRAM data bus. 

Why is it so Called?

According to my sources, Commodore were unsure whether they should add a Clock to the A 1200 and how much memory to fit as standard, 1 or 2 MByte. To allow for easily changing their minds, they built an interface straight onto the A1200's DRAM bus and provided it with the appropriate interface lines. Commodore decided to add a full 2 mbyte of RAM and leave the real time clock off the A1200. 

How many pins are there?
Most Amiga's do not have the full 80 pins, just a space on the motheroard for them. 
The full 80 pins were apparently fitted to early A1200 models but removed from subsequent models.
In theory it should be possible to add on the missing pins and make full use of this bus interface. I am told that these pins are 2mm pitch, the same as those used on the 2.5" internal IDE port. 

How do I interface to this port?
You will need to know about microprocessor interfacing to do this.
Insert info here later.
block diagram of Read/Write lines, chip selects and wait state info?

How do I access the Clock port?

Use the following addresses from the A1200 memory map

D80000 to D8FFFF  64 KB SPARE chip select  
    (The area of memory where the clock port resides)
D90000 to D9FFFF  64 KB ARCNET chip select
DC0000 to DCFFFF  64 KB Real Time Clock(RTC)

A note on chip selects and wait states

As this is a CPU bus interface
SPARE_CS 64K, 3 wait read/4 write, _IORD/_IOWR/_WAIT

Nominally an Z8530 or 1NS8250 derivative UART. Note that while slow timing is provided there is no hardware support for the PCLK "holdoff" required by the Z8530 chips, this must be insured by software and/or using one of the derivative chips which minimize this requirement.
_RTC_CS 64K, 3 wait read/4 write, _IORD/_IOWR/_WAIT

Nominally a OKI M5M6242 or Ricoh RF5C01 Real-Time clock chip.  Note that there is provision for this chip both on board and on a "A501 style" chip memory expansion header.

_NET_CS64K, 0 wait read/1 write, _IORD/_IOWR/_WAIT
 Nominally a network interface chip such as the SMC C0M2020 Arcnet controller chip or one of the various  "single chip" Ethernet controller chips.

Addendum the CS8900 ISA ethernet IC should have a near Glueless interface to this port. a full design should be easy to draw up. Hopefully available on Aminet soon

Clock Header Pinout information
Two 40 Pin DIL headers have been provided on the A1200 for a Memory/RTC expander. 
This is the pinout for the complete "clock" header - the space for which is visible above and below the Chip Mem IC's.  Note that only the P9B pins 19-40 actually have a header soldered in in most machines, although some earlier revisions (such as 1B) had a complete P9B, and the earliest of prototypes had both P9A and P9B complete, probably in conjunction with 1mb Chip RAM.
                 P9B (Bottom)                               |           P9A (Top)
     1: GND        Ground                  |   1: GND       Ground
     2: VCC        +5v DC                  |   2: VCC       +5v DC
     3: DRD0        DRAM Data Bus Bit 0    |   3: DRD16      DRAM Data Bus Bit 16
     4: DRD15      DRAM Data Bus Bit 15   |   4: DRD31      DRAM Data Bus Bit 31
     5: DRD1        DRAM Data Bus Bit 1    |   5: DRD17      DRAM Data Bus Bit 17
     6: DRD14      DRAM Data Bus Bit 14   |   6: DRD30      DRAM Data Bus Bit 30
     7: DRD2        DRAM Data Bus Bit 2    |   7: DRD18      DRAM Data Bus Bit 18
     8: DRD13      DRAM Data Bus Bit 13   |   8: DRD29      DRAM Data Bus Bit 29
     9: DRD3        DRAM Data Bus Bit 3    |   9: DRD19      DRAM Data Bus Bit 19
    10: DRD12     DRAM Data Bus Bit 12   |  10: DRD28     DRAM Data Bus Bit 28
    11: DRD4       DRAM Data Bus Bit 4    |  11: DRD20     DRAM Data Bus Bit 20
    12: DRD11     DRAM Data Bus Bit 11   |  12: DRD27     DRAM Data Bus Bit 27
    13: DRD5       DRAM Data Bus Bit 5    |  13: DRD21     DRAM Data Bus Bit 21
    14: DRD10     DRAM Data Bus Bit 10   |  14: DRD26     DRAM Data Bus Bit 26
    15: DRD6       DRAM Data Bus Bit 6    |  15: DRD22     DRAM Data Bus Bit 22
    16: DRD9       DRAM Data Bus Bit 9    |  16: DRD25     DRAM Data Bus Bit 25
    17: DRD7       DRAM Data Bus Bit 7    |  17: DRD23     DRAM Data Bus Bit 23
    18: DRD8       DRAM Data Bus Bit 8    |  18: DRD24     DRAM Data Bus Bit 24
    19: GND         Ground                |  19: GND       Ground
    20: VCC        +5v DC                  |  20: VCC       +5v DC
    21: INT6        Interupt Request       |  21: _BWE
    22: _SPARE_CS                         |  22: _ROE
    23: _RTC_CS    Real Time Clock CS     |  23: _BRAS0         Budgie Row Addr. Bit 0
    24: _PWR_BAD                          |  24: _BRAS1         Budgie Row Addr. Bit 1
    25: _IORD      IO Read                |  25: _BCAS_UU   Budgie Col. Addr. Strobe
    26: _IOWR      IO Write               |  26: _BCAS_UM   Budgie Col. Addr. Strobe
    27: A5          Address Bus Bit 5      |  27: _BCAS_LL    Budgie Col. Addr. Strobe 
    28: A4          Address Bus Bit 4      |  28: _BCAS_LM   Budgie Col. Addr. Strobe
    29: A3          Address Bus Bit 3      |  29: BDRA0
    30: A2          Address Bus Bit 2      |  30: CCK_A     Colour Clock
    31: D23        Data Bit Bit 23        |  31: BDRA1
    32: D22        Data Bit Bit 22        |  33: BDRA8
    33: D21        Data Bit Bit 21       |  33: BDRA2
    34: D20        Data Bit Bit 20       |  34: BDRA7
    35: D19        Data Bit Bit 19        |  35: BDRA3
    36: D18        Data Bit Bit 18       |  36: BDRA6
    37: D17        Data Bit Bit 17        |  37: BDRA4
    38: D16        Data Bit Bit 16        |  38: BDRA5
    39: GND      Ground                  |  39: GND       Ground
    40: _RESET Reset                   |  40: VCC       +5v DC

by Ian Stedman, Ian.Stedman@zoom.co.uk

Info gathered from a number of sources. Keep a lookout for more info coming soon.