_ __ _________________ __ _ _ _ /\_\ _) (_ /_/\ _ _ _\/_/ | A I O | \_\/_ Y |___ |___ Y ______| \ ___/\_________| \ \______ / \__ __/\______ / __/. ! \__/. \__/. |/ \__ \_::. _ _/::. _/::. _/ /_____|_____\_______\___________\ | -nM$| __ | general@aio.co.uk | __ ___\/_ |_ _| _\/___ \ /\/ ) ( \/\ / \/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \/ http://www.aio.co.uk -============================================================- The best non web-based/non print magazine is looking for two new Editors to join the team. As you may be aware, Amiga Information Online is one of the longest and most loved magazines in its type, each month supplying you with the latest news, games and utilities reviews, articles and a whole host more from dedicated Amiga users for the readers. The current editorial team have no "I know more than you so respect me" attitudes and all help is always welcome, a magazine made by users for the users. Your input and help shapes the magazine. Over the past three years since the first issue was released in May of 1997 it has grown to include new areas and aim for new heights, being written about in magazines like CU Amiga and Amiga Format as being a quality magazine, check out some of their comments below. -- "thoroughly absorbing reading..", "fascinating reading.." - AF, Dec 1998 "interesting and often informative articles" - AF, March 1999 Disk of the month - ACI March/April 1999 "AIO is one of the better electronic magazines that we've seen." - AF, July 1999 -- Our production is ever growing and always hoping to push itself to new levels. The two places that have become available are as follows, Games Editor & Utilities Editor If you have a passion for writing and think that you are the person who can give honest and open views about Games or Utilities then please contact us for more details at; ICanWrite@aio.co.uk Include in the email your name and why you think you will suit the position, feel free to ask any questions and request more details about each position. It would also be helpful to include a recent review of a product, giving it an honest review to show us your writing style. No qualifications required and no previous past in writing is necessary but could help your chances. -============================================================- Comments from our readers in a recent survey... "Keep the good work going!!" "Just keep that way." "The only electronic mag I figure worthy of downloading every issue, keep up the good work." "Keep up the good work! I really enjoy receiving AIO every month :)" "No. AIO is nearly perfect." "Keep going, i'm sure there are many times as many people who don't reply to this." "Keep up the good work" "I don't really have much comments, just keep up good work." "Yes, please keep it going. 8o)" "You have done very good job, no matter what they say (= !" "The layout and design is great. AND the use of Systemresources eg. AHI, screenmodes... Good, very good." "CONGRATULATIONS ON DOING A GREAT JOB UNDER THE MOST DIFFICULT CIRCUMSTANCES." -============================================================- [: Support :] http://www.aio.co.uk Email : general@aio.co.uk Join JUST-AMiGA ML at : http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/just-amiga