GTKPool - GTK+ based 2D pool simulation game

Screen Shots


Online Documentation


The Authors

About GTKPool
GTKPool is a 2D pool game using the GTK+ toolkit. It should run on Unix and Linux variants. It currently supports playing 8-ball, 9-ball and Rotation as well as a "No Rules" option for practice/just messing around. It supports many options and has configurable physics so you can do almost anything.

Generally it is a pleasant way to spend time that you should be spending with your friends and family. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I, of course, welcome your suggestions, so send anything to [email protected]

View Readme
Current TODO
  • 2-player support
  • 8-ball play and rules
  • 9-ball play and rules
  • Rotation play, rules and scoring
  • Minimal sound
  • Customizable physics
  • Choose from 4 different tables

View ChangeLog

  • Network games
  • Computer player
  • Redo physics
  • Add more sound
  • Add more interactivity


Screen Shots
A picture of GTKPool.
Click the image to see the large version and the 4 different tables
GTKPool Screenshot
GTKPool 0.5.0 (latest version) Download
GTKPool 0.4.1 Download
GTKPool 0.3.4 Download
GTKPool 0.5.0 SRC RPM (Modify spec file for your distro) Download
GTKPool 0.5.0 RPM (Only guaranteed for RH) Download
GTKPool .deb Package (Thanks to Josip Rodin) Download Page
Helping Out
I know most people think there is nothing they can do to help out. But you can. Let me know what you think and what you would like to see it do. If you are really pumped up, you can send in patches and code. You could also write up some documentation or some music that can play or something. You can criticize, flatter, abuse, congratulate, threaten, stroke my ego or whatever gives you the greatest satisfaction.

Send it all to [email protected]
The Authors
GTKPool was originally written by Jacques Fortier. His efforts inspired me to waste great amounts of time knocking little computer generated balls around my screen. They eventually inspired me to waste even more time (and give me an excuse to play even more) writting additions to it. I would like to thank him for those efforts.

The current maintainer is now Brian Ashe (me). Feel free to abuse me with your petty desires for features and bug fixes. I understand how you feel so I will accommodate. You can reach me at [email protected]

No, really, there's docs!
Unbelievable, I've actually written a manual for GTKPool. It explains how to install, how to play, the rules of the games and more. I hope you find them useful. They are not terribly modem friendly (sorry) a couple of the images are a little large. They are currently only available in English. If someone wishes to translate them, or if you have some comments about them let me know.

You can now read the Documentation.

They are only for the latest release.
19:28 August 18, 2002 Brian Ashe

Version 0.5.0 Released!
I have finally released a new version... 0.5.0! This brings a few new features as well as some bug fixes. The gameplay has been enhanced by using rules and players (still some quirks) and by getting some better tuning on the aiming and physics. See the ChangeLog for more info.

You can check it out in the downloads area.
20:10 August 15, 2002 Brian Ashe

Debian Users Rejoice!
Josip Rodin was kind enough to create .deb packages for the latest version of GTKPool. See the Downloads to find out where to get it.
12:30 February 15, 2002 Brian Ashe

Version 0.4.1 Released
Not a whole lot of stuff. Some bugs fixes and some minor new features (which of course brings new bugs ;). You can now pick up the cue ball before breaking to try different angles (you can pick it up anytime really). Also changing games in the Options Dialog automatically resets game. Aiming line is a little different. See the ChangeLog for more info.

Download the new version here.
20:51 January 20, 2002 Brian Ashe

Version 0.4.0 Released
This release is my first as the new maintainer of GTKPool. It now supports autoconf/automake so hopefully it will make it easier to compile and install on your system. It also adds 4 tables for you to select from, an aiming line and a new options dialog. See the ChangeLog for more info.

Download the new version here.
3:21 January 14, 2002 Brian Ashe

New Maintainer
I'd like to introduce myself as the new maintainer of GTKPool. I'll be making improvements and adding features to it. Be sure to check out the new version.
3:21 January 14, 2002 Brian Ashe

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