"OE Quirky Dunfell" ------------------- This is the Dunfell release of OpenEmbedded/Yocto, with the 'meta-quirky' layer to compile all packages required to build EasyOS or Quirky Linux. The 'meta-quirky' layer has 187 recipes for packages that are not in OE, and 46 recipes that modify or fix existing recipes in OE. You need an ext4 partition with at least 250GB free space. Expand the dunfell-<date>.tar.gz tarball somewhere, it will expand as folder dunfell-<date>. In the same partition, create a folder named oe-builds, that must be empty, or rather, must not have a folder named oe-quirky inside it. Edit the variable BUILDSPATH in script create-oe-quirky, with the absolute path to oe-builds (at the time of writing, this is line 6). As an absolute path is required, do not use a usb drive or any situation in which the mount-point may change. You will need to be running a Linux distro that is compatible with OE/Yocto. The author has used EasyOS version 2.4.1, with the "devx" SFS loaded (an aufs layer that provides all of the compiler infrastructure and tools). It must be an x86_64 host OS. Execute create-oe-quirky: # ./create-oe-quirky And oe-builds/oe-quirky will be created and populated. Open a terminal in folder oe-quirky, and execute this: # source oe-init-build-env build-amd64 # bitbake-layers show-layers # bitbake -g core-image-minimal You will find notes about these commands in oe-quirky/docs/bk-notes, as well as a complete manual, Yocto-Project-Mega-Manual.html You are now ready to do the build. It is likely to take at least several hours, depending on the PC. Plenty of RAM, and an SSD will help. The author has an i3 Intel CPU, 8GB RAM and a NVME SSD (with a swap partition on the SSD), and the build takes 9-10 hours. You can see a complete list of the packages that will be built here: oe-builds/oe-quirky/build-amd64/pn-buildlist It is useful to sort it (the above "source ..." command will have changed the current directory to build-amd64, so can execute this in same terminal): # sort pn-buildlist > pn-buildlistSORTED Do this to start the build: # bitbake core-image-minimal The build should complete without error, except the final "do_rootfs" stage will fail. This is where OE attmpts to put all of the packages into a rootfs tarball, but decides that some packages are unsuitable. This is somewhat inscrutable behaviour by OE, but anyway, it doesn't matter, as we only want the packages, not the rootfs. Look in build-amd64/tmp/work, to see all the packages. For example, oe-builds/oe-quirky/build-amd64/tmp/work/core2-64-poky-linux/atk/2.34.1-r0/image has the compiled and installed result of building the "atk" package. The author's "woofQ" EasyOS/Quirky build system can now be used to extract all of these packages and use them to build EasyOS or Quirky. Basically, importing of the packages is done with script 0pre-oe in woofQ, but this will be described in detail later. Latest news: bkhome.org/news Author: Barry Kauler Legal statement for the contents of dunfell-<date>.tar.gz: (c) Copyright Barry Kauler 2020 (bkhome.org), where not otherwise stated or implied. License GPLv3 where not otherwise stated or implied.