
heartbeat-ldirectord - A Monitoring Daemon for Maintaining High Availability Resources

Website: http://linux-ha.org/
License: GPL v2 or later
Vendor: Scientific Linux
The Linux Director Daemon (ldirectord) was written by Jacob Rief.
<[email protected]>

ldirectord is a stand alone daemon for monitoring the services on real
servers. Currently, HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP services are supported.
lditrecord is simple to install and works with the heartbeat code

See 'ldirectord -h' and linux-ha/doc/ldirectord for more information.

    Jacob Rief <[email protected]>


heartbeat-ldirectord-2.99.2-6.1.sl5.x86_64 [131 KiB] Changelog by Lars Marowsky-Bree (2008-09-29):
- version 2.99.1-1
- Update source tarball to revision: d8710f41b9cb
- Includes many fixes to init scripts.
- Add sbd for shared-storage fencing.

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