Additional Horde Functionality HowTo

Author:  John H. Bennett III <bennettj at>
Release supported:
SME 6.x, Horde 3.0 Framework
License: GPL
Last updated: Thursday, March 17, 2005 06:11 PM

Problem:  You need to know how to setup additional functionality with the Horde 3.0 Framework of products.
  Follow this HowTo

1.  Migrating imp 2.x filters to Ingo

Use your favorite editor and create a file that list each of your users that need to have filters migrated from imp 2.x to ingo.

Each user needs to be created as [email protected] and only 1 user per line

Change to the nag directory - cd /home/httpd/html/horde/ingo/scripts/

Run the following command: convert_imp_filters.php < path_to_user_file

2.  Kronolith Calendar Event Reminders

From your inbox, choose options, personal information

Under Identity you want to change, click on default

Enter your name and from email address

Choose options at the bottom of the screen to your desired preferences

Click save options

Now you should be able to add events to Kronolith (Calendar) and get reminder notices sent to you.

3.  Setting up Free/Busy

If using a SQL backend, you must enter your users in your personal address book and copy their free/busy url information from the Kronolith section and
paste it in the personal address book free/busy section.

Then you can use the free/busy checking.

4.  Enabling in-line HTML messages

Edit /home/httpd/html/horde/imp/config/mime_drivers.php line 59 and change from false to true.