Makes an 'album' by displaying a set of photos listed in a text file with optional descriptions.
<?plugin PhotoAlbum src=http://server/textfile mode=[column|row] align=[center|left|right] desc=true sort=false height=100% width=100% ?>
Only the 'src' parameter is mandatory.
- src
- Url to a CSV textfile which separates filename and description of each photo. Photos listed in the text file have to be in same directory as the file. Descriptions are optional.
- mode
- Specifies how the images are arranged, 'column' means vertically, 'row' means horizontally. Default is 'row'.
- align
- Only applicable to column mode. Default is 'center'.
- desc
- Display any descriptions given in the text file. Default is true.
- sort
- Sort images by file name. By default the order in the text file is followed.
- height, width
- Height and width are calculated compared to original metrics
retrieved by
php-function:getimagesize and can be absolute or a percentage (e.g. "50%").
Text file
Possible content of a valid text file:
photo-01.jpg; My girlfriend and I photo-02.jpg christmas.gif; Merry Christmas!
Sample Album
Plugin PhotoAlbum failed.
Plugin PhotoAlbum failed. File extension for csv file has to be '.csv'